waldn will give you some suggestions of nearby trails or a walk, or just draw your own route. You can drop pins at specific locations along your route and get suggestions about food and shelter. If you want to bring a friend, share your iternary with them.
Use waldn as a journal. You can take photos and write things down. All your notes will be dated, saved and geo-tagged along your trip.
waldn will give you some suggestions of nearby trails or a walk, or just draw your own route. You can drop pins at specific locations along your route and get suggestions about food and shelter. If you want to bring a friend, share your iternary with them.
Use waldn as a journal. You can take photos and write things down. All your notes will be dated, saved and geo-tagged along your trip.
Keep track of your notes and trips via your calendar. You can also save and track your mood and mindfulness. Your journal remains private unless you share something with a friend.